What is a barcode?

A barcode, also known as a UPC-A (Universal Product Code) or EAN-13 (European Article Number), is simply a unique 12 or 13 digit number that allows both online and offline retailers to identify and track sales of your product within their inventory system.

How do Barcodes work?

When you want to sell your product(s) at any online website or marketplace - such as Shopify, eBay, Amazon etc - or any offline retailers, the retailer will request you fill out a product information form. This form will ask for all the basic details of the product(s) you want to sell (such as name of product, price, size, color etc) plus also the UPC or EAN number you want to assign to the product.

The retailer will then manually input all the information you have provided into their inventory management system. This way, when your barcode is scanned at the checkout, it brings up the form in their internal system and gives you credit for the sale. In simple terms, barcodes are simply a link between your product and the product information form you fill out for each retailer that sells your product(s).

Do I need a barcode?

The use of barcode numbers is not compulsory. However if you intend to send/sell your products with a online marketplace or retailer that uses a barcode system (such as Amazon), then yes, you will need a barcode.

Are your barcode numbers new or previously used?

All of the barcode numbers (EAN and UPC numbers) we sell originated from the Uniform Code Council (UCC), now known as GS1, before August 28, 2002.

Before this date, whenever someone needed barcodes from the UCC - even a few - the UCC (now GS1) issued a block of 100,000 numbers. Since each prefix that was sold made such a large quantity of barcode numbers, the majority of the time, the original prefix holder only needed a few of the numbers and the rest of the numbers were left unused. The prefixes we have, were originally issued in the mid-seventies to late nineties - well before there was any kind of internet - and to companies which are no longer in business. The unused numbers from each prefix we sell on.

Even if you rent directly from GS1, you are not guaranteed to get unused numbers. If you rent numbers from them and then stop paying their required renewal fees (or fall behind in payments) then they can take away the numbers away from you, and then after some time - rent the same numbers out to someone else. Which means, you must remove the barcodes from your product(s) wherever they are listed or selling (online and offline).

Do I have to have a barcode in order to sell my product online?

If the website or online marketplace you want to sell your products on requests it, then yes you need a barcode.

What is an EAN number?

Originally, EAN stood for "European Article Number". It has since been re-named "International Article Number." It refers to the barcode system used outside of Canada and the United States.

EANs and UPCs are both essentially identical to one another except that an EAN-13 contains 13 digits whereas a UPC-A has only 12 digits.

What is the difference between EAN and UPC?

EAN numbers are 13 digits long (can be used anywhere) and UPC numbers are 12 digits long and are mainly used in the USA and Canada. However, they can still be used throughout Europe and the rest of the world. If you buy from us, we will provide you with both versions (including the barcode images for each and every number).

If I already have a UPC number do I need to purchase an EAN number?

In short, No. You can still sell your product in most retailers that use EAN codes. However, some international stores only accept EANs, which means it's a good idea to check with the retailer in advance.

Will my barcode work in every country?

Yes. Our barcodes will work in any country in the world that has a barcode system. Our barcodes are currently being used all over the world, which includes the USA/Canada, Australia/New Zealand, UK & Europe, Africa (mainly South Africa, Egypt, Morocco, Kenya and others), Middle East (mainly UAE, Saudi Arabia and Qatar) and many countries in Asia (mainly Indonesia, South Korea, Thailand/Malaysia and China/Hong Kong).

Will my barcodes work in every offline retail store?

No. There are some retailers which will require you to supply them with A GS1 certificate. A GS1 certificate is only issued to you when you source directly from GS1 (you cannot buy codes outright from GS1, you can only rent codes). No barcode reseller - including us - can issue you with a GS1 certificate. The vast majority of retailers (99%+) do not require a GS1 issued certificate. In fact, there is a very small number of retailers which require you to source barcodes directly from GS1. These retailers include, but is not limited to, Walmart, Kroger, Costco, Macy's, Bloomingdale's, Home Depot, Lowe's, Fred Meyer and a few other major retailers/chains - mainly in the US and UK.

If you are not sure, then please check with your retailer beforehand for their barcoding requirements. Please note that is it your responsibility to clarify with a retailer(s) to see if they require you to provide them with a GS1 certificate and to have your details within the GS1 database. If this is the case, then again, you can only rent codes directly from GS1.

Please note that with Walmart, you can use our codes for their Online Marketplace only - but not for their offline physical stores.

Will my barcodes work with Amazon (any Amazon marketplace worldwide)?

Yes - around 97%+ of the time. Many of the barcodes we sell are used to list products on amazon.com, amazon.ca, amazon.au, amazon.de, amazon.mx amazon.co.uk, amazon.ae and all other Amazon sites Worldwide.

Our barcode numbers are accepted on any Amazon site worldwide - except for the following:

 - You are working with Amazon's EDI system (if you do not know what this is, then your not).
 - Products with an existing ASIN number.
 - Specific Trademark/Branded products or for products which already have a 'manufacturer'   barcode.
 - If you are doing or plan to do Brand Registry.

If you are unsure about anything, please contact us.

Around 97% of customers who buy codes intended for use on Amazon experience no listing issues. About 3% of customers experience some kind of listing issues.

If you encounter any kind of listing issues, please kindly email us for possible solutions.

For Google Merchant/Shopping programs, Walmart.com, Shopify, eBay, Noon and many other online marketplaces - there is a 0% error rate.

Will my barcode number be unique to me?

Yes. Our Barcodes originate from the UCC - the Uniform Code Council (now renamed GS1-US) and are guaranteed to be one of a kind. You are the only person or company in the world who can legally use the Barcode number(s) you purchase from us.

Do I need to be a registered company in order to purchase barcodes?

Being a registered company is not a requirement to order barcode numbers. We regularly sell barcode numbers to both individuals as well as registered companies and new unregistered businesses.

How will I receive my barcodes if I buy from you?

You will receive your barcodes digitally and by email only. No barcodes are sent via the post.

How many Barcodes do I need to purchase?

You will usually need a unique barcode number for each different product and product variation (size, color, design, weight, flavor etc). 

For example: if you sold a t-shirt in 3 different designs, 5 different sizes (XS, S, M, L, XL) in each design and 3 different colors (blue, white and pink) in each size, in total - you would to get 45 different barcode numbers.

I have discontinued the product that my barcode number was on. Can I now assign the same barcode to a new product?

No, it is not recommended to do this because there is a possibility that some retailers will keep a product listed in their database for a very long time, and it may cause conflicting information.

Which type of products can I use your Barcodes on?

Our Barcodes that we sell are suitable for use on any type of retail product, including all kinds of food products, CD's/DVD's, homemade products, in fact anything except for books, magazines and pharmaceuticals.

Is there some kind of universal database where I can enter my barcode and product information. So that anyone will know those are my numbers, which products they have been assigned to, and so on?

Unfortunately not. There are privately owned online databases/websites, but these are not accurate or complete.

My product details and/or business details do not appear when I scan my barcode with a smartphone. How do I make that happen?

You need to link your barcode number to your product information. You do this by listing your product with online retailers or any online listing service. Then you can contact the company that owns the smartphone app to get listed in their database. Until that happens, the app will only show the barcode number. Or, it will pull the details directly from GS1's GEPIR Database. These details which may show, is out of date because GS1 refuses to update their database with the current owner's information for each barcode.

Are your barcodes issued by an official body?

Yes. All of our barcodes were issued by the UCC - the Uniform Code Council (now renamed GS1-US). These barcodes were originally issued in bulk to companies in the US. These companies did not need all of their barcodes, so we have purchased a large quantity of unassigned barcode numbers and we are selling them on to individuals and companies who need small quantities of barcodes at a time, and do not want to rent from GS1 and pay ongoing membership and renewal fees every single year.

As all of our barcodes originally came from GS1-US, they are unique, authentic numbers that legally belong to our company. When our customers order barcodes from us, we pass complete ownership of the barcodes onto them.

Will the Barcodes I buy from you have my Company Prefix and will I get a GS1 Certificate?

No. Our barcodes will not contain your company prefix and no GS1 Certificate is provided. A GS1 Certificate is only issued to you when you rent barcode numbers directly from GS1 (you cannot buy codes outright from GS1, you can only rent them).

This is not important as 99%+ of retailers are not concerned whether or not your barcodes contain your company prefix. The only way you can get barcodes that have your company prefix at the start of them is to join a GS1 in your country and pay their annual membership fees, renewal fees and so on.

Is Barcodes Hub affiliated with GS1?

No we are not. GS1 is a different company. All of the barcodes we sell originated from the UCC (now known as GS1-US). However, if you purchase codes from Barcodes Hub, your details will not show up in GS1's GEPIR database.

What kind of information does a Barcode contain?

A barcode number does not contain any sort of product information, it is simply a unique number. When you receive your barcode numbers, you can assign them to whichever products you want to. When your retailer receives your product, they will enter your barcode number & product information into their system to connect your barcode to your product.

Do I have to pay any kind of renewal fees or annual membership fees?

No. All our prices are one time only.

Will my barcode ever expire?

No. The barcode numbers you purchase from us are yours for life. We maintain a record of every single barcode issued and to whom they were assigned to. This is to make sure your barcode is never re-issued to anyone else.

Will my barcode be registered in a national database?

No. There is no requirement of any kind to register your barcode numbers with any form or type of organisation. Retailers will add your barcode number and product details to their database when they receive your supply.

When will I receive my barcodes order, how long does it take?

All orders are processed the very same day payment is received, seven days a week.

I have not received my barcodes order, where is it?

Please check your junk/spam email folders. If the order is not there, then please email us. All orders are sent as a zip file to the email address entered on our website order form..

What payment methods do you accept?

We currently accept payment via Paypal and Stripe. No Paypal account is required to pay via Paypal, which accepts most credit and debit cards. For Stripe, no account is required, simply enter your credit/debit card details during checkout.